Paul Bose


I am a research fellow in Economics at Tor Vergata Rome, where I work with Stefano Gagliarducci and Francesco Sobbrio. I was previously a research fellow at Bocconi University and have worked with Carlo Schwarz and Dirk Hovy, and a PhD candidate at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Tinbergen Institute under the joint supervision of Dana Sisak and Olivier Marie. My work focuses on topics in Applied Microeconomics, particularly on Political Economy.

In my research, I explore questions surrounding the selection of policies and politicians making use of causal methods combined with text analysis on large scale data from social media and legislative documents. In one paper I investigate the causal effect of loss of trust in government and its role in the provision of public goods as well as on the selection of politicians. In a second paper in my thesis I explore the role of competition changes on the entry of politicians regarding their quality and identity.



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Title photo by: Michelle Muus ©Erasmus School of Economics